Open Free Agent Team
Team Name: Here for the Beer
Captain: Cam C
Members: 7
Status: Open
This is a Free Agent Team, all individuals and small groups are welcome. It’s a great way to make sure you’re on a team and to meet a bunch of other people joining without a full team!
Team Name: Pin Pals
Captain: Hirav D
Members: 6
Status: Open
This is a Free Agent Team, all individuals and small groups are welcome. It’s a great way to make sure you’re on a team and to meet a bunch of other people joining without a full team!
Team Name: Snakes on the Lane
Captain: Ezio B
Members: 7
Status: Open
This is a Free Agent Team, all individuals and small groups are welcome. It’s a great way to make sure you’re on a team and to meet a bunch of other people joining without a full team!
Team Name: Pin Ups
Captain: Hope A
Members: 7
Status: Open
This is a Free Agent Team, all individuals and small groups are welcome. It’s a great way to make sure you’re on a team and to meet a bunch of other people joining without a full team!
Open Teams
Approval Required Teams
Default team
Captain: Joaquin A
Members: 7
Status: Approval Required
We Couldn’t Believe It Wasn’t Gutter
Invite Only Teams
Default team
Team Name: Split Happens
Captain: Nicole K
Members: 6
Status: Invite Only
Default team
Captain: Ian V
Members: 7
Status: Invite Only
Captain: Rufus K
Members: 8
Status: Full
Captain: Denise J
Members: 7
Status: Invite Only
Team Name: Too Legit to Split
Captain: Craig R
Members: 7
Status: Invite Only
Default team
Team Name: F That 1 Pin
Captain: Tasha B
Members: 6
Status: Invite Only
Default team
Team Name: Splits & Giggles
Captain: Erin L
Members: 6
Status: Invite Only
Full Teams
Captain: Rufus K
Members: 8
Status: Full